New Custom Rules in Thailand
Siam Trade Development attended on October 10th, 2017 the luncheon organized by Thai-German Chamber of Commerce and promoted by Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce, where Mr. Kulit Sombatsiri – Director – General of the Customs Department explained to around 120 invited the New Custom Rules in Thailand in force from 13 November 2017. The new law will substitute a law 91 years old that was considered obsolete in many aspects, and will meet new international standards.
The new concept, in line with the actual Government strategy, is to facilitate trade and business with foreign private sector, under the rule “good guys in, bad guys out”. Custom, according to the words of Mr. Sombatsiri, will be a Facilitator and a Partner for the importer, not only (anymore) a Controller. This will be done increasing efficiency, reducing bureaucracy, and limiting the power of single Custom Officers, that will work from now on in Team and not as single individuals as before.
These are in summary the New Custom Rules in Thailand in force from Nov 13th, 2017, by topic:
- Documents will be held by importers only for a period of 3 years
- The evidence of fail or law breach must be found by Custom Officers.
- Any appeal will be resolved within a time of 180 days
- Custom Broker will have liability on their action and on documentation: he must be legally recorded and is considered a representative of the Operator
- goods in transit must be cleared and exported within 30 days (before it was 90 days). After this period must be imported in Thailand or sold abroad
- No more licence is required for goods in FTZ to be re-exported. If goods are held waiting for import, licence is required.
- The Custom has prepared a new communicative channel for Private Sector: a One Stop Service that will be available on the new Custom Website from November
- A new app is already downloadable for HS code and tariff checks: Name of APP is HS Check, available for IOS and Andoid.
- Custom Alliance Project: will facilitate more efficient and transparent interactions for importers into Thailand. Applicants to the initiative recognized as low risk will receive prioritized trade services. This project will be developed with foreign Chamber of Commerce.
- Custom Intelligence Center (CIC) will be a large strategic database that will define the risk profile of every Operator. This will allow Custom to assign Green light to all recognized “low-risk” operators and to check deeply the “high-risk” one. This will depend on parameters and past performance of Operators.
- Thailand National Single Window (NSW) will facilitate import operations and Import licence issuance, with a paperless procedure.
- HS Check application will be the official database for tariff, duties and HS codes. This will be the only official database and all Custom officers will base their actions on it.
- Paperless Clearance will be possible through the new Custom website (online from November)
- Cross-border Trade Promotion will be in force allowing easy transit trade between Thailand and nearby Countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar).
- A new transhipment HUB is promoted in Laem Chabang. Many documents will be abolished to speed up operations. Mr Sombatsiri refers that 19 different documents will not be mandatory anymore.
- Manifest of Cargo will be sent electronically to Custom in order to allow Operators to have their container or air cargo available immediately after arrival (if operator have green light)
The above and many other details show the determination of Thai Custom to become modern and functional and to support international trade. If you want to know more about Thai Custom 4.0 – New Custom Rules in Thailand you can browse the official website of Thai Custom.
If your company is planning to open a new business channel in Thailand, you ought to consider Siam Trade Development as your advisor and project manager. We are Leaders in international commerce!
Disclaimer: this page is not considered as a journalist article, but it’s only business promotional information based on Company direct experience. Its aim is only to give advisory to readers and address them to official channel.