The Import of Cosmetic is regulated by Cosmetic act 2015. All Cosmetic products are subject to notification, registratio or license.Definition of Cosmetic:
- Substance used in applying, rubbing, massaging, sprinkling, spraying, dropping, putting on, perfuming, or acting by whatever means on external human body. In this definition are included product for cleaning, beautfying, deodorizing teeth and oral mucosa. Also skin treatments are included, while all accessories for use on external body are not included.
- Substance intended for use specifically as a mixture in producing cosmetic product.
Import or manufacturing of cosmetic product
Anyonw willing to import cosmetics products in Thailand must provide details about the product to be imported to the Thai FDAThe submission and issuance of Import permit must strictly follow the regulation and condition as specified by ministerial regulation of Ministry of Public Health.The Cosmetic product Registration in Thailand is issued by Cosmetic division of Thai FDA. It is valid for the period of 3 years from the date of issue.
Technical Requirements of Cosmetics
The technical requirements includes listings of ingredients, labeling and claims, pre-marketing requirements, and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).Cosmetic product Registration in Thailand require the notification of the products to FDA before being imported in Thailand. The importer must be a Thai entity and have to:1. Register Cosmetic product to the FDA department Cosmetic division prior to importing. Applicant receives a notification valid for 3 years.2. Prepare Label Information in Thai language in a size that is easily readable and understandable. The contents must be the accurate and must not be deceptive.3. Advertise the cosmetic product based on its fact without misleading contents. References should be documented for inspection.
Following details must be provided:
- Information of the applicant such as name and address of manufacturer or importer or storage site, manufacturing site,
- Information of the cosmetic product such as name, Brand name (Trade name), categories and ingredients.
If the storage site is located in Bangkok, the importer must register the warehouse at the Food and Drug Administration office. If the storage site is located in other provinces, the importers must notify at the provincial public health office where the sites are located.
Labelling requirement for Cosmetic Product:
Cosmetic product imported in Thailand must be labelled clearly with the following details of product specification.
- Product name and Brand Name
- Type of product, categories
- All ingredients
- Instruction for use
- Name and address of manufacturer (Name and address of importer including name of manufacturer and country of origin)
- Net content
- Batch Number
- Manufacturing date
- Expiry date
- Statutory Warning
- Notification number
Claims must not indicate that the products have any pharmaceutical characteristics or capability to alter human body’s functions or structure.
Cosmetic Notification in Thai FDA is since 2024 subject to post-audit process: please read this article on the topic:
Should you need an approved warehouse for Cosmetics Import License Purpose, please see this article with our offer of warehouse units: