The New Abridged Channel for Medical Device Submission in Thailand

Abridged Channel for Medical Device Submission in Thailand

In a move to streamline the medical device registration process, the Thai FDA has introduced a new abridged channel for medical device submission in Thailand. This initiative aims to simplify the approval process, reduce timeframes, and ensure that high-quality medical devices reach the market more efficiently. Below, we outline the key features of this new channel and provide a comparative table to highlight the differences between the traditional and abridged submission processes.

Key Features of the Abridged Channel

The new abridged channel focuses on efficiency and speed, making it an attractive option for manufacturers and distributors. Here are the main features:

  1. Simplified Documentation: The abridged channel requires fewer documents, reducing the administrative burden on applicants.
  2. Accelerated Review Process: With a streamlined workflow, the review and approval times are significantly shorter.
  3. Eligibility Criteria: The abridged channel is available for specific categories of medical devices, particularly those with prior approvals from recognized international regulatory bodies.
  4. Online Submission: The process supports online submissions, making it easier for applicants to submit their applications from anywhere.

Comparative Table: Traditional vs. Abridged Medical Device Submission in Thailand

Feature Traditional Channel Abridged Channel
Documentation Requirements Extensive Simplified
Review Time Longer Shorter
Eligibility All medical devices Selected devices with prior approvals
Submission Method Online Online
Approval Time 200-300 days a bit less…

Comparative Table of Required Documents for Medical Device Submission in Thailand

No. Documentary Evidence Document Submission Channels (Full) Document Submission Channels (Abridged)
1 Medical device labels (Device Labelling) according to the announcement on labels and medical device control documents
2 Medical device regulatory documents according to the announcement, labels and medical device regulatory documents
3 Summary of the medical device, which must include the following details: required required
(1) An overview of the medical device;
(2) A table showing the history of registration or market authorization and sales history in various countries;
(3) A table showing details of revocations (if any);
(4) A table showing the status of pending or ongoing applications for registration or market authorization (if any);
(5) A table showing reports of adverse events from the use of the medical device, with documents specifying the details of the AE;
(6) A table showing field safety corrective action (FSCAs) reports, with documents specifying the details of the FSCA reports;
(7) Provide details of the medical device if, as follows: Contains rendered non-viable human or animal cells, tissues or derivatives; Contains microbial or recombinant genetically modified microorganisms; Contains ionizing irradiating components.
4 Details of the medical device, which must include the following details: required required
(1) General characteristics and working principles
(2) Purpose of use
(3) Indications
(4) Instructions for use
(5) Storage
(6) Shelf life
(7) Contraindications
(8) Warnings
(9) Precautions
(10) Adverse effects from use
(11) Alternative treatments
(12) Details and properties of materials used to produce or as components of the medical device
(13) Specific requirements for the medical device (product specifications)
5 Essential Principle
6 Summary Verification & Validation
7 Risk analysis document
8 Documents showing the name and location of the medical device manufacturing facility and medical device manufacturing information or product owner details.
9 Documents showing methods of destruction, decomposition or disposal of waste after use.
10 ISO/GMP Quality System Certificate
11 Certificate of purpose of use, indications, packaging, label and usage instructions from the manufacturer or product owner.
12 Declaration of conformity
13 Certificate showing the sales history of the product from the manufacturer or owner.
14 Safety certificate from the manufacturer or product owner
15 Evidence of permission from the agency with the duty and authority to oversee the drug in a foreign country that the FDA has certified.
16 Letter of authorization (in case of import) In case of import In case of import
17 Documents showing a list of medical devices that are grouped together and explaining the reasons for grouping the medical devices (if any) (If any) (If any)

List of Accepted Foreign Agencies

The Thai FDA recognizes prior approvals from the following international regulatory bodies for the abridged channel:

  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • European Medicines Agency (EMA)
  • Ministry of Health Canada
  • Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia
  • Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) of Japan

Benefits for Medical Device Registration

Adopting the abridged channel offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to register their medical devices in Thailand:

  • Reduced Costs: Lower documentation requirements and faster approval times translate to cost savings.
  • Faster Market Entry: Accelerated review processes mean that medical devices can reach the market more quickly.
  • Increased Competitiveness: By expediting the registration process, companies can respond faster to market demands and competitive pressures.

How to Apply for the Abridged Channel

To apply for medical device registration through the abridged channel, follow these steps:

  1. Check Eligibility: Ensure that your medical device meets the eligibility criteria.
  2. Prepare Documentation: Gather the required documents, focusing on the simplified list.
  3. Submit Online: Use the FDA’s online submission portal to submit your application.
  4. Await Review: Monitor the progress of your application through the online portal.
  5. Receive Approval: Once approved, you can proceed with marketing and distribution.


The new abridged channel for medical device submission is a significant advancement in Thailand’s regulatory landscape. It promises to make the registration process more efficient, saving time and resources for medical device manufacturers and distributors. By leveraging this new channel, businesses can enhance their market responsiveness and improve their competitiveness in the healthcare industry.

For more information on medical device registration in Thailand, visit the Thai FDA’s official page.

The New Abridged Channel for Medical Device Submission in Thailand
Article Name
The New Abridged Channel for Medical Device Submission in Thailand
The Thai FDA has introduced a new abridged channel for medical device submission in Thailand. This initiative aims to simplify the approval process, reduce timeframes, and ensure that high-quality medical devices reach the market more efficiently. Below, we outline the key features of this new channel and provide a comparative table to highlight the differences between the traditional and abridged submission processes.
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Siam Trade Development Co., Ltd.
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